Aws S3 Cli Commands Cheat Sheet

Aws S3 Cli Commands Cheat SheetAws S3 Cli Commands Cheat Sheet

  • Simple Storage Service
  • Unlimited storage
  • Pay as you use
  • Read after write consistency for PUTS
  • Eventual consistency for overwrite puts and deletes.
  • Objects are stored in Buckets
  • Bucket name is unique across the entire S3 service. You can’t create a bucket with a name that is already taken.
  • Once created, the bucket name cannot be changed.
  • Bucket is created in an AWS region – Bucket region cannot be changed.
  • You can create up to 100 Buckets in your AWS account(Soft limit)
  • Object size can be 0B to 5TB. Objects upto 5GB can be uploaded in single operation. Use multipart-upload to upload objects greater than 5GB in size.
  • You can define Bucket Policies and Access Control Lists to control permissions on buckets and objects.
  • Storage Classes
    • Standard
    • Intelligent-Tiering
    • Infrequent Access
    • One Zone
    • Glacier
    • Glacier Deep Archive
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S3 Cli Aws

S3 aws s3 ls s3://mybucket aws s3 rm s3://mybucket/folder -recursive aws s3 cp myfolder s3://mybucket/folder -recursive aws s3 sync myfolder s3://mybucket/folder -exclude.tmp ECS aws ecs create-cluster -cluster-name=NAME -generate-cli-skeleton aws ecs create-service Homebrew brew install awscli aws configure Configuration profiles. AWS CLI version 2, the latest major version of AWS CLI, is now stable and recommended for general use. To view this page for the AWS CLI version 2, click here. For more information see the AWS CLI version 2 installation instructions and migration guide. Intelligraphics usb devices driver. There AWS CLI cheat sheets for Amazon S3 commands and EC2 commands. I have recently designed and uploaded an AWS S3 CLI cheat sheet on the https.

Storage ClassDurabilityAvailabilityNumber of Availability ZonesRetrieval Fee
Infrequent Access99.999999999%99.9%>=3YES
One Zone99.999999999%99.5%1YES
Glacier Deep Archive99.999999999%99.99%>=3YES

Aws S3 Cli Commands Cheat Sheet Free

  • Life Cycle Management – You can configure life cycle rules to
    • Automatically transition objects from one storage class to another after a certain number of days.
    • Automatically delete objects after a certain number of days.
  • Supports Encryption. Objects can be encrypted either at server side or client side.
  • Versioning – You can enable versioning to store old versions of objects. Once enabled, versioning cannot be disabled; you can only suspend it. Previous object versions remain in S3.
  • Static Website Hosting – You can host a Static Website on S3 by uploading all contents to an S3 bucket and configuring the bucket for hosting.
  • Cross Region Replication – Replicate objects between buckets in various regions to minimize latency.
  • Transfer Acceleration – Uses Edge locations to quickly transfer files between S3 and client location.
  • S3 Event Notifications – You can configure S3 to send notifications to Lambda, SQS, SNS for events such as object creation and deletion.
  • Requester Pays Buckets – By default bucket owner pays for storage, retrieval requests and data transfer. By enabling requester pays option on a bucket – retrieval request charge and data transfer charge will be paid by the requester.
  • Monitoring – S3 metrics are stored in Cloud Watch and Cloud Trail logs.