Brew Jupyter Notebook

  • — Install pyenv. Mac Os X come with Pythong 2.7 pre-installed but many Machine Learning.
  • Homebrew’s package index. Name: Jupyter Notebook Viewer Utility to render Jupyter notebooks.
  • Launch a Notebook. To launch a Jupyter notebook, open your terminal and navigate to the directory where you would like to save your notebook. Then type the command jupyter notebook and the program will instantiate a local server at localhost:8888 (or another specified port). A browser window should immediately pop up with the Jupyter Notebook interface, otherwise, you can use the address it.
  • How to install gensim in jupyter notebook. Gensim PyPI, First, I'll provide a quick, bare-bones answer to the general question, how can I install a Python package so it works with my jupyter notebook, Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. Learn more Gensim Library not recognized in Jupyter notebook.

A Jupyter kernel is a set of files that point Jupyter to some means of executing code within the notebook.

Brew Jupyter Notebook

This post walks through how to install R on a Jupyter notebook, load in data and build a visualization. Start by installing python using homebrew.

Install python

Open Terminal and enter the following commands.


It should already be installed, in which case you’ll need to upgrade

Install jupyter

Next install the jupyter notebook

Install zmq

Install the following R packages

Brew Jupyter Notebook

These packages can be installed using R or RStudio. They are also found in the jupyter-install-pkgs.R file.

Launch jupyter notebooks

Open a new terminal window, enter the following commands.

This will launch the jupter notebook. You’ll see this in your Terminal:

The jupyter notebook will open in the browser


Click on the New icon in the upper right corner of the Jupyter notebook and select R.

Click on the Untitled text next to the Jupyter on the top of the notebook and rename the file something meaningful.

Using jupyter notebooks

The Jupyter notebooks combine code cells with markdown (just like RStudio Notebooks). I’ll start this notebook with a markdown title cell.

As you can see, this cell has markdown syntax highlighting. If I want to see how the cell will look after running it, hold down control + return (this is how to run a cell in Jupyter notebooks).

Run some R code

Enter the following code in the next cell and run it (either by using control + return or clicking Run)

Let’s print a portion of a data frame to see what it looks like in Jupyter notebooks.

Tables look pretty in Jupyter!

Run ggplot in Jupyter

I’ll see how a ggplot2 visualization looks next. Enter the following commands into the next code cell (I turned off the warnings before and after the plot commands to get rid of all the excess output).

The graph output is directly beneath the cell! Beautiful!

Download options

Under File > Download as I can see I have the option to save this file as a .ipynb (which is a JSON file), .md, .r, and many others.

Happy coding!

A package that works like the Jupyter Notebook, but inside Atom. It's registered as an opener for .ipynb files — try opening one!


  1. Install dependencies:
  • Python 3: brew install python3 (there are issues with pip2 and OS X 10.11)
  • Jupyter and Jupyter Kernel Gateway: pip3 install jupyter jupyter_kernel_gateway
Linux (Debian)
  • Python: sudo apt-get install python python-pip
  • Jupyter and Jupyter Kernel Gateway: pip install jupyter jupyter_kernel_gateway
  1. apm install jupyter-notebook or search for jupyter-notebook inside of Atom

Brew Jupiter Notebook Download


  • Run cell: SHIFT+ENTER, CMD+ENTER (or CTRL+ENTER on Windows)



  1. git clone
  2. apm install
  3. apm link


This package is built on React and the Flux architecture.


  • main tells Atom how to render NotebookEditor and registers as an Opener for .ipynb files
  • dispatcher is a singleton flux.Dispatcher which contains the list of valid actions
  • notebook-editor is the Store and handles all of the business logic. It loads the file in, creates a state, then receives Actions and updates the state accordingly.
  • notebook-editor-view, notebook-cell, text-editor, display-area are the views. notebook-editor-view updates its state by fetching it from notebook-editor, then passes appropriate bits of that state down to the other views as props.


Rendering:NotebookEditor -> NotebookEditorView -> [child views]

Updating:[external action] -> Dispatcher.dispatch -> NotebookEditor.onAction ?-> NotebookEditor._onChange -> NotebookEditorView._onChange

Immutable state

The state returned by NotebookEditor.getState is an Immutable.js object.

Accessing its properties inside a view looks like this:

Changing it (in NotebookEditor) looks like this:

or this:

Since React requires a view's state to be a regular JS object, the state of NotebookEditorView takes the form:

Brew Uninstall Jupyter Notebook

No other views have state.

Brew Jupyter Notebook

Mac Brew Install Jupyter Notebook

To do

Installing Jupyter Notebooks On Windows

  • autocomplete
    • atom.workspace.getActiveTextEditor() returns undefined because atom.workspace.getActivePaneItem() returns our custom NotebookEditor class which contains one or more TextEditors, therefore autocomplete, find, and features provided by other packages don't work in cells
  • add more actions (duplicate cell, restart kernel, change cell type, etc)
  • tell React our rendering is pure
  • test rendering performance with big notebooks