Crm Marketing

  1. Crm Marketing Meaning
  2. Crm Acronym
  3. Crm Marketing
  4. What Does Crm Stand For In Marketing
  5. Crm Software Marketing
  6. Crm Marketing Manager Job Description

Just about every marketing team and sales rep today has used a customer relationship management (CRM) tool at some point in their career. Having all of your customer’s data in one place is incredibly useful and prevents you from digging in multiple systems to find the information you need.

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. It's a technology used to manage interactions with customers and potential customers. A CRM system helps organisations build customer relationships and streamline processes so they can increase sales, improve customer service, and increase profitability. With Freshworks CRM Marketing Cloud, combine the power of marketing automation, contact management, and chat, in a single, smart solution. The CRM acts as a single source of truth and provides a 360° view of a customer by combining customer interactions in one place. SIGN UP FOR FREE REQUEST DEMO 1000s of happy customers use our solutions. CRM tools for marketing are designed to help you find and nurture higher-quality leads. They can automate time-consuming marketing processes—such as events, email nurture campaigns, and paid media advertisements—and provide greater visibility into the customer’s journey from prospect to lead.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Market Size, Share & COVID-19 Impact Analysis, By Component (Software, Services), By Deployment (On-Premises, Cloud), By Enterprise Size (Large Enterprises, SMEs), By Application (Marketing and Sales Automation, Customer Management, Lead Generation & Customer Retention), By Vertical (BFSI, Manufacturing, IT & Telecommunications, Retail. The most feature-rich Mortgage CRM to help you conquer the market. Build websites, use live chat, send texts, create surveys, tons of pre-built marketing and a full mobile CRM.

Utilizing a CRM platform for your marketing and sales efforts provides your business with a huge ROI and helps you achieve a better relationship with leads and customers. Popular CRM solutions like Salesforce, HubSpot, Pipedrive, ActiveCampaign, and others are great platforms that make it easy to manage contact data. It’s all about the customer journey and CRMs make it easier to connect with customers at scale.

Unless you’re only managing a handful of contacts, your business will benefit from implementing a CRM. If you’re not using a CRM at this point, we highly suggest you do. In this post, we’ll discuss why you need a CRM and how it benefits your business.

What is a CRM?

A CRM is a database that manages customer relationships, along with the data associated with them, including behaviors, purchases, activity, customer service history, and more. CRMs go way beyond storing contact information and act more like a record from the start of the relationship with the client to the current stage of the relationship.

The idea behind CRM technology is to dig deep into your customer base. Knowing the who, the how, the what, and the why will help you forecast their needs and be able to deliver solutions quickly through marketing automation. When the customers put first, they get the best experience which means they’ll keep coming back.

This brand loyalty leads to those important repeat customers who then tell their friends in the parking lot at school and post about it on social media. Now your customers are doing your marketing for you. Brilliant!

CRM software can take house data from various departments of your business and provide you with one place to house everything. For example,

  • Marketers use CRMs to nurture leads and turn them into qualified prospects
  • Sales reps use CRMs to find potential customers from their database, manage deals and track how close they are to closing them in real-time
  • Customer support teams use CRMs to track customer service history in one location so they don’t have to pull in data from multiple tools
  • Loyalty teams use CRMs to improve customer retention and measure customer satisfaction

There are various types of CRMs available. From CRMs for small businesses, on-premise CRMs, cloud CRMs, and more, you can easily find a CRM that’s a fit for you.

The usage of CRMs is increasing every year and here are some statistics to prove it:

  • Worldwide spending on customer experience and relationship management (CRM) software grew 15.6% to reach $48.2 billion in 2018 according to research from Gartner, Inc.
  • Grand View Research reports that CRM revenues are expected to reach over $80 billion by 2025 and is the fastest-growing software market.
  • CRM can boost conversion rates by 300%
  • In 2019, spending on software as a service (SaaS) will reach approximately $42 billion and represent 75% of total CRM spending
  • CRM remains the largest and fastest-growing enterprise software category today according to the latest market sizing, and market share research Gartner published this week

Key features of a CRM system

Due to their popularity, most CRM systems these days have similar features. While some CRMs offer unique features for artificial intelligence (AI) or vendor management, most CRMs offer a base set of features to help you manage your contacts.

Contact management

At its core, a CRM is used to manage your contacts. With a CRM, you can manage customer data like their name, email, phone number, and so much more; think of it as a digital Rolodex. If you ever need to remember information about a customer, a CRM stores all their information for you.

As you interact with each contact, the CRM will be updated with their activity history. You can track things like phone calls, emails, purchase history, customer support tickets, and much more.

Reporting and analytics

CRMs often offer robust reporting tools (mainly used by marketing and sales). With a CRM, you can track reports like:

  • The number of leads generated per month
  • How many leads were qualified by sales
  • The revenue generated by your deals
  • Which contacts unsubscribed from your email campaigns

There are lots of reports available in CRMs. Once you have a sizeable number of contacts, you can segment your audience by common characteristics such as location or gender to further improve targeting for your marketing campaigns.

Marketing automation

CRMs make it easy for marketers to embrace marketing automation. With the data available from your CRM, you can automate certain aspects of marketing. For example, if a contact fills out a form to download a PDF, they can be put into a multi-step email sequence designed to educate them about your products and ultimately getting them to make a purchase.

Mobile CRM

Sales reps benefit the most from mobile apps. If you have teammates that travel, a mobile app for their CRM can help them track their deals and leads so they have an easier time tracking everything.

How CRMs generate value

To recap, a CRM system is an extremely useful tool and one that all marketers and sales reps should be using. While some CRM systems can be expensive, the ROI is worth it. Trust us, you don’t want to manage thousands of customers in a spreadsheet. If you choose not to implement a CRM system for your business, you could be left behind in the dust. The benefits are tremendous and it could be your most valuable asset.

  • Boosts sales
  • Reduces marketing expenses
  • Creates more productivity
  • Organizes data, enabling you to connect with your customers in a personalized way
  • Provides you with an inside view of the behaviors of your customers, making tailored marketing campaigns easy and effective
  • Increases internal productivity since multiple departments within a company can log activity and access customer data
  • Enables you to easily oversee and evaluate customer interaction to strengthen customer relationships, convert leads, cultivate sales, and maintain customer engagement
  • Always puts the customer first
  • Easily integrates with platforms like ManyChat for the ultimate digital customer experience


The amount of customer information available, especially for larger companies, can be massive. CRM implementation helps you probe this information and narrow it down to the exact targets you’re aiming at. Even smaller companies can greatly benefit from CRMs.

What customer relationship management tools do is look inside the mind of a potential customer. If this person researched one of your products, you can gain that information and then target them with Chat Marketing, whether that applies to email marketing, messenger marketing, which we’ll dive into a bit, SMS marketing, social media marketing or omnichannel marketing.

Since you already know that this potential customer is interested in what you’re selling, you’re that much closer to a sale. You can then target them with social media ads and offers to close the sale. Since CRM technology stores information on habits and what your customers like and dislike, your target marketing efforts are successful.


When you can predict customer behavior, it gives you a boost over your competitors. You can then target your customer based on the trends you’re seeing to ensure messaging is on point. CRM helps to filter out specific information such as purchases, behaviors, how they responded to previous marketing outreach, and more.

Personalized content

A CRM is a great complement to an existing content delivery system you’re already using. Let’s take Messenger Marketing, for example. Messenger Marketing is the process of getting people interested in your products or services usingFacebook Messenger.

The goal is to grow your business by getting more leads and customers through personalized conversations. A Messenger Marketing strategy helps you connect with customers, provides informative content, and helps you take actions that are meaningful for your business, such as booking an appointment, downloading an app, or signing up for a service.

When you can integrate your CRM tool into a platform like ManyChat, you’re now armed with specific information about your prospective and existing customers. Content is king, however, if it doesn’t reach the right person at the right time, the crown is worthless.

How to implement a CRM

Ready to start implementing your CRM? Here’s how to get started.

Map out your sales process

Before you sign up for a CRM, we recommend mapping out your sales process. Regardless of if you’re a B2B or B2C company, knowing the steps of your customer journey are crucial to properly tracking your contacts.

Here’s a high-level overview of sales stages you can use to customize your CRM

  • Subscriber
  • Lead
  • Marketing-qualified lead
  • Sales-qualified lead
  • Closed-Won
  • Closed-Lost

Train your staff and management teams on CRM

A CRM is only useful if it’s actually being used and updated by your team. You must train your teams on using and updating the CRM to keep it up to date. Otherwise, you’ll miss out on valuable data and have to spend time following up with your employees.

Use automation for repetitive tasks

CRMs are surprisingly easy to automate. You don’t have to spend hours every week entering data or building reports. Most CRMs have automation plugins that make it easy to automate the day-to-day tasks you work on. Plus, there’s always Zapier to make it even easier to leverage automation.

Using a CRM with ManyChat has tremendous benefits

  • Helps you better optimize your marketing strategies
  • Helps to convert leads into customers
  • Helps to create repeat customers through follow up campaign strategies

How do you truly leverage a CRM to grow your business? Leverage Chat Marketing. Combining a CRM with the power of Chat Marketing is the perfect way to build brand loyalty, target the right customers, and grow your business.

With Messenger Marketing, marketers are currently seeing open rates of 80% or more, and click-through rates greater than 30%. Those are promising statistics and as a marketer, it should be a no-brainer to be using Chat Marketing paired with a CRM. In unison, these tools allow you to focus on the customer’s needs. This makes your business customer-centric and your customers will take notice and build trust. And we all know trust funnels the sales pipeline.

Here’s a great example of a real estate CRM and how stored data can be useful in qualifying and managing leads through sales automation.

Let’s say you run a real estate business and have a Messenger bot helping you qualify your leads. Some of these leads want to buy a home, while others are looking to sell their home. While in the past, you may have organized the information coming in, such as phone numbers and emails, within a Google Sheets, there’s a better, more organized way, to manage your buyer and seller leads.

While a CRM is fantastic, it may not be within your budget, so in this instance, you, the real estate company, used an app that gave you the building blocks to turn your list of leads into a fully capable CRM system to close more deals.

In the template, you have a master list of buyer and seller leads at different stages in the process. At any point in time, the summary page lets you see how many leads you have, the status of those leads, and the total dollar amount those deals are worth. Pretty cool and efficient, right?


Integrating your CRM with your ManyChat account is easy. Here’s a great instructional video to give you a step-by-step tutorial on how to get it done. You’ll learn how to set up a ManyChat CRM integration with the CRM Pipedrive. Although the video shows you how to integrate with Pipedrive, this process works universally with many other popular CRM software platforms. FYI, you will need a ManyChat Pro account as well as a Zapier account to achieve this integration.

Get started with a CRM system today and see how integrating it with ManyChat can boost your marketing strategy.

Get started with ManyChat for free.

The contents of this blog were independently prepared and are for informational purposes only. The opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of ManyChat or any other party. Individual results may vary.
Posted by Zarema Plaksij - 10 Comments
Last updated: 18 March, 2021

Post summary:

  • The explosion of content generation
  • Why one-size fits all marketing doesn't work
  • 4 ways to use CRM to create better marketing campaigns

Today’s consumers are literally bombarded with all sorts of messages and offers that spring out from every corner.


Think about it for a second, how many times per day do you receive a promotional email from a brand you signed up for?

Crm Marketing Meaning

And more importantly, how often do you actually read it?

It has never been as difficult as it is now for marketers to win customers, since “everyone is in marketing” these days.

Everyone is on social media, everyone has a blog, everyone can comment, share, spread the word – you name it!

Science Daily claims that a staggering 90% of all the data in the world has been generated over the last few years. While, the former CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt, has been quoted as saying that more content is now being created in 48 hours than all of the content produced between the dawn of time up until 2003.

Not to mention that every minute at least 347 blogs posts are published by WordPress users alone.

Such mind-blowing acceleration of information affected not only the pace, but also the way we understand and go about marketing.

Farewell to a one-size-fits-all approach

With the rapid boom of modern technology and spread of social media channels, customers have become increasingly fussy, discerning and tech-savvy. They know what they want, they have a wide choice, and they are not to be fed with just anything. Instead they demand personalized and diverse ways of engaging with products and services.

And that is why the good old method of targeting all with one message is not working any more. In fact, according to the 2013 Online Personal Experience study released today by Janrain, 74% of online consumers get frustrated with websites when its content, offers, or ads have nothing to do with their interests.

And not only do consumers get frustrated with irrelevant content, they are also willing to leave the site completely!

So, what does this mean for today’s marketers?

Crm Acronym

This means that the hip word now is RELEVANCE. Today, we are talking about the rise of a highly individualized marketing approach, which is mainly driven by data and technology.

As a result, the ways marketers do their jobs and fulfill their main duty – to increase interest through a lead nurturing strategy and to multiply customer conversions – have changed.

And it is a CRM system that can help marketers to stay atop of the game.

4 tips to create better marketing campaigns

Let's take a look at how CRM software can help you improve your activities and create better marketing campaigns in four key areas:

1. Focused targeting

One of the most difficult tasks for marketers' is to look through all of the customer data. In order to get a response from potential customers that are most likely to buy, marketers need to send out messages that appeal exactly to them.

Fortunately, CRM software helps marketers to sift through contacts and target potentially profitable customers. CRM software contains various information on the customer behavior and preferences, which allows to take informed actions that will improve prospect awareness and customer satisfaction.

2. Segmentation

They say that those who are able to predict, rather than react, win. The latter is very much true for marketers as they need to be able to notice common trends before they offer anything.

Marketers want to be able to segment not only by industry, jobs or age.

Yes, marketers want to able to segment by industry, job role and company size - a la, account-based marketing.

But, they also want to segment based on recent activities, responses, personal likes and dislikes, products already purchased, e-mails opened, e-mails replied, and even social media activity.

And, the sharper the potential customer’s profile is, the more opportunities the marketers have to personalize their messages and, in such a way, win the hearts of individuals!

If we use B2B email marketing as an example, segmenting your subscriber base will not only grow revenue, but all email marketing metrics will improve.

3. Personalized content

Once you have chosen whom you want to target and segmented the database into meaningful groups, it is time to individualize your marketing messages.

Let's start with the obvious “no-no” – no more anonymity, no more “Dear Customer”, “Hello Friend” or other impersonal addresses that scream “Mass marketing!”.

Today’s CRM systems allow you to address your potential and existing customers by their name. Also, you can impress them by knowing what company they work for. Not to mention that knowing whether you are addressing a man or a woman, an ordinary salesperson or a top manager would significantly help you tailor the content of your messages and grab customers’ attention.

Equipped with these details, you can suggest an idea, give information, and even shape the entire communication in such a way that it suits that particular customer.

And the benefits of doing so are huge,as the more personalized the content is, the more likely you are to see improved response rates, stronger brand perception and increased revenue. In this way, CRM solutions enable marketing experts to focus more on the customer, not the product.

4. Recycle the blueprint

Wouldn’t it be great if we could find what works and then use it again and again instead of starting from scratch each time?

With CRM software, you can analyze whether your campaigns were successful and yielded any results. This takes out all guesswork and opinions and helps you only focus on those campaigns that were the best performing.

Once you find out which ones were the best performing, you can recycle the most successful campaigns and templates for new contacts and audiences. This leads to marketing costs going down and lead conversions going up. And who doesn’t want that?


With CRM, you can engage with your prospects and customers on a more personal level, anticipate your customers wishes and surprise them with knowing what they are interested in.

And you get to turn the old one-way street of marketing messages into a two-way dialogue between marketers and customers.

All in all, CRM software is not only able to supply you with a contact database and centralize your actions, but it also makes it easy for you to slice and dice the data into meaningful insights, and later shape the perfect target groups that would respond to highly individualized messages.

How are you using CRM software to create better marketing campaigns?

Let me know by leaving a comment below.

Sign up and get a free demo of SuperOffice CRM and we'll show you exactly how to use CRM to create better marketing campaigns.

Crm Marketing


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Hello,Cloud computing software is very useful for small and medium scale businesses. Cloud business solution helps to grow your business in a planned way. Cloud computing helps to reduce the risk and increase the productivity. It also helps to maintain the stability of your business growth.

Crm software marketing

The first and foremost place where CRM can help campaign performance is in selecting precise target populations. Selecting prospects based on segmentation data will create a profiled campaign distribution.And yes, you can engage with your customers and prospects by knowing what they are precisely interested in.

Crm Marketing

Understanding customer pulse through R&D online, working towards the campaign that fits their pulse by positioning it through segmented and targeted virtual customers.

CRM is a must in today's business world - especially when it involves marketing campaigns!

'Instead they demand personalized and diverse ways of engaging with products and services' well said. Thanks for sharing this information.

Very useful for most marketing working on CRM database.

Having an integrated CRM systemallows you to identify marketing campaigns that generate most of the revenue and forecast profit projections. Nice Post.

CRM is an effective way to successful marketing. CRM software lets you know the feedback and report data so that you can improve. According to that, you can plan the marketing campaign and improve your ROI. You can make personalized interactions with your customers and provide them quick service.

What Does Crm Stand For In Marketing

Thanks for reading and contributing your thoughts! CRM software definitely helps users achieve those goals

Crm Software Marketing

Hey Zarema! It looks like you spent a lot of time and effort on your CRM benefits article. Thank you!

Crm Marketing Manager Job Description

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