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  4. Magicento Activate

This extension will ease life of the Magento 2 developer by automating some repeating tasks.

And there is a plugin: magicento. Have a look on the feature set it offers. It helps you a lot in the daily work. PHPStorm with magicento is the only IDE i know of, which can handle really well large projects (which magento projects tend to) and offers a really huge magento magic functions support. The latest tweets from @magicentoplugin. Magento Open Source delivers features to build and grow a unique online store from the ground up. However, if you need an all-in-one cloud solution that is optimized, easy to deploy, provides enhanced security, and is packed with additional integrated capabilities to accelerate sales; consider Magento.


  • When you create new file (for example di.xml), extension provides handy default content for it. Works for some xml file, blocks, models, controllers, setup scripts, etc.
  • Creating new extension using MagentoWizard: Create a new extension command:


  • When editing class file you can inject new dependency by pressing F1 and using MagentoWizard: Inject Dependency command.Start typing VendorExtensionName to get list of classes from that extension.
  • You can easily add observer for any event using MagentoWizard: Add Observer command, MagentoWizard even knows what data is passed to observers for some popular events.
  • Use MagentoWizard: Add CRUD Model/ResourceModel/Collection to create all classes needed to access Model data in DB.
  • Ability to run all bin/magento commands using VSC Run Task command (Task provider can be disabled in the settings).
  • Generation of XML Catalog file for Magento 2 XML DTD files. Run MagentoWizard: Generate XML Catalog command and extension will create XML Catalog file in the correct format. It will be added to the XML extension config if that extension is installed.
  • Go to Definition function for class names and template names in XML Layouts.
  • Autocompletion of the class and template names in XML layouts and configurations. More autocompletions would be added soon, stay tuned.

Planned features

  • [x] Extension creation
  • [x] Populating created *.php, *.xml, *.js files by template contents based on their name and location
  • [x] Injecting dependencies
    • [x] Better placement of the assignments
    • [x] Autocomple classes/interfaces from the current extension
    • [x] Autocomple classes/interfaces from 'vendor'
  • [x] Adding Observer
  • [x] Adding Plugin
  • [ ] Adding Route, Controller, Block, Layout, Template
  • [ ] Adding custom attribute to products, categories, orders, customers, etc.
  • [x] Add Magento tasks like setup:upgrade, cache:clean to VSC tasks
  • [ ] Watch for changes in *.xml, *.phtml, *.php and clear corresponding cache type (like magento-cache-clean extension)
  • [x] Go to definition function for class and template referrences in *.xml files
  • [ ] More templates


This project is open for all kinds of contributions - new templates, new ideas, bug reports, new features, etc.If you found bug or want to request a new feature - just create new issue on github. If you want to add new feature yourself -fork this repo and create pull request.

Release Notes


Autocompletion of the block names in XML layouts.


Autocompletion of the class and template names in XML layouts and configurations.


Added command to reindex workspace (ignoring cached data)


Added templates for CRUD Model, ResourceModel, Collection. New command to create those classes automatically.


Big update of the inner design of extension. Now MagentoWizard indexes all extentions, themes, libraries in the workspace after the launchand keeps index up to date by watching changes in the files. That allows to support autodetection of the Magento root in the workspace, alsoMagento Wizard now better supports many Magento roots in different workspace folders, also you can override location of the Magento root in settings.Also support for Go to Defintion function for class names and templates in XML layout files was added.


Added option to select the existing XML file to convert when using the 'Generate Catalog' command.


Added MagentoWizard: Generate XML Catalog command


Fixed bug in Plugin template.Added Task Provider for bin/magento commands

Magento Marketplace


Add Plugin command, easily add plugin (interceptor) for any public method.


Added support for extensions in /vendor. Added classes from current extension (including from /vendor) to list inInject Dependency command, removed duplicates from the list. Added caching of extension file data.Improved Observer class name and DI variable name generation


Fixed bug in php templates. Added templates for catalog_attributes.xml, db_schema.xml, menu.xml, webapi.xml, console command.


Added generation of composer.json when creating new extension. Support for multiple worspace folders. Added classes from app/code/ to Inject dependency list.


New templates for config.xml, cron_groups.xml, systems.xml, sections.xml. Improved all templates with snippet placeholders.Fixed bug which prevented from entering new vendor name. Improved commands.



Magento Login

Itex driver download for windows. Imagistics printers driver download for windows. Adding observers using 'MagentoWizard: Add Observer' command


Magicento Activate

First public release of the extension