Extended Serial Monitor

Serial Monitor Extended (beta)I proudly present the 'Serial Monitor Extended' application to you. When I started working with Arduino, I wasn't satisfied with the overall options of the official Serial Monitor, so I decided to write my own.

  • Extended Serial Monitor allows you to extend the capacities of your Arduino or Raspberry default Serial Monitor.
  • Jul 20, 2016 Chromebooks include ports that allow you to connect them to a computer monitor, television, or other display. You can mirror your desktop across multiple displays, or use the additional displays as separate desktops to gain additional screen space.

May 23, 2013 When using the j5 Create usb display adapter, the software allows you to mirror the main computer screen, or extend it. Because you are actually using two video cards, you can set the second monitor with its own resolution, color profiles, and use different wall paper than the main monitor.

The interface is quite similar to Arduino IDE's own Serial Monitor, but with some tweaks.This is a work in progress, so expect to see improvements and new features in the future.

Download Now! - Links: http://blog.refoua.me/post/serial-monitor-extended/Please do NOT mirror at all!

Extended Serial Monitor Download


  • - Auto Close: Using the 'Keep Open' option you can decide whether to keep the port open, or open it ONLy when sending data.
  • - Better Status: Now you can actually see if you are connected to a specified port or not, visible at the top of the form.
  • - Easy Port Switch: Now you can also easily change the port, without closing the window to change it from the toolbar. You don't even need to close the port to change it!

(Note: To change the port, click on the 'Port COMx is OPEN/CLOSED.')

  • - Name Friendly: You can now see what port you are actually connecting to, rather seeing a number. (This is useful for non-Arduino chips and clones, Arduino already shows you what Arduino device are you connected to.)
  • - Error Messages: This app will show you a clear and easy-to-understand error message, if anything goes wrong.
  • - Line Ending: The line ending selection is now easier, and prettier.

Known Issues:This is a beta version and may have some problems. One known issue is that the app may freeze if you select a wrong baud rate for now. Don't worry, I will fix it soon.

To-do:I will implement these features in the future:1. Serial to Mouse, Keyboard, Midi controller bridge.(Cool, isn't it? :D I'm working on it)2. Disable Auto-Reset by software.I know that many people are sometimes annoyed by the arduino's auto-reset on opening a new connections. While there are hardware solutions available,I have written a small function to disable the DTR pin while transmitting data. I'll merge that code into Serial Monitor Extended soon.3. Serial to TCP connectionThis can be a replacement to setups like Node.JS, a stand-alone easier app. The difference is that you can use the monitor and the network at the same time!4. Support for Hyper Terminal's Cursor control escape characters.5. Terminal Color Support (+Easy Arduino Library)6. Log for sent data, also a history list to automatically re-enter the previous sent data

Misc. Notes:I hope you like this software. 'Serial Monitor Extended' is a free, and open-source app written by me (David@Refoua.me). The source-code is written in C# and will be soon available in GitHub, for enthusiastic people.

Please use and share your opinion!Post your feedback here: http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=395463.0


The WmiMonitorID WMI class represents the identifying information about a video monitor, such as manufacturer name, year of manufacture, or serial number. The data in this class correspond to data in the Vendor/Product Identification block of Video Input Definition of the Video Electronics Standard Association (VESA) Enhanced Extended Display Identification Data (E-EDID) standard.



The WmiMonitorID class has these types of members:


The WmiMonitorID class has these properties.


Data type: boolean

Access type: Read-only

Indicates the active monitor.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Key

Name of the specific monitor instance.


Data type: uint16 array

Access type: Read-only

Extended serial monitor driver

Name of manufacturer.


Data type: uint16

Access type: Read-only

Length of manufacturer name located in the ManufacturerName property.



Data type: uint16 array

Access type: Read-only

Vendor assigned product code ID.


Data type: uint16 array

Extended Serial Monitor

Access type: Read-only

Serial number.


Data type: uint16 array

Access type: Read-only

The friendly name of the monitor. The size of the name is the length specified by the UserFriendlyNameLength property.


Data type: uint16

Access type: Read-only

Number of characters in the name located in the UserFriendlyName property.

Extended Serial Monitor Driver


Data type: uint8

Access type: Read-only

Week of manufacture by week number. The range is from 1 through 53. Zero (0) is undefined.


Data type: uint16

Access type: Read-only

Year of manufacture.

Extended Serial Monitor


For a discussion on how to translate the arrays that store serial number ID's, see the Reporting Monitor information with Configuration Manager blog article.


Serial Monitor Extended

The following PowerShell example retrieves the serial number of multiple monitors.

The following VBScript code also retrieves monitor ID information from a system.


Extended Serial Monitor Software

Minimum supported client
Windows Vista
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2008

Serial Monitor Chrome

See also